Lawyers and Accounting Fears Causing Bad Decisions and Change Management
Indeed we hear it all the time, corporate executives complaining about incessant lawsuits and Sarbanes Oxley regulations. Is seems all these Lawyers and Accounting Fears are causing Bad Decision Making on the part of corporate board members and we are seeing greater turn-over and Change Management. We see too much fear from lawsuits, stock market pressures and Federal Regulators breathing down the necks of America?s greatest corporations and this is hurting all of America in a very big way.
Of course this fear is also often rendering many executives useless and unable to make decisions some executives say they are tired of asking their corporate attorneys if it is okay to use the company restroom or calling up their accounts to see if it is fraudulent to order a ham sandwich on rye instead of wheat in the corporate cafeteria? Is it really this bad? Indeed it is and this is so unfortunate, nevertheless corporations must show results and if these executives cannot handle the challenge then they need to leave the company.
And leaving they are in record numbers and there have been more golden parachutes and early retirements in Americans top 500 companies in the last few years than in the previous 20. Why? Well it is all these Lawyers and Accounting Fears that are causing Bad Decisions, which have nothing to do with the company?s bottom line and therefore cause performance issues. Then it is time for heads to roll and thus more Change Management.
Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.
Labels: accident_auto_lawyer, accident_lawyer, alaska_lawyer, angeles_dui_lawyer_los