lawyers And Atorney


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Should Lawyers be allowed to Complain against Franchisors

So many lawyers want to run the law, play jury, policeman, regulator and judge in the franchising industry. What is amazing about this is that they have already hijacked the law to serve their will and pocket book in such a self-serving way that it seems unfortunate indeed.

I have seen regulators attack a company and fail to renew an application, start an investigation, find nothing and then not even question the attorney who made the complaint who indeed was on retainer with a competitor. This may sound like it is not a common occurrence, but in my research I am finding it is common in all types of industries and not just franchising or with franchise law and franchise regulatory bodies.

Lawyers are hardly ethical in my opinion, way too much abuse; I believe there should be prison time for such actions by lawyers who misrepresent another franchisor. So if they make a mistake in their complaint, they should pay with their license and jail time, as that is only fair.

How can we prevent such abuse of law from lawyers? Well we could call in Caesar is a thought. We also need more regulation on lawyers, as they seem to be the only industry in the world, which consistently gets away wish such self-serving atrocities. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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