lawyers And Atorney


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Should Lawyers be allowed to Complain against Franchisors

So many lawyers want to run the law, play jury, policeman, regulator and judge in the franchising industry. What is amazing about this is that they have already hijacked the law to serve their will and pocket book in such a self-serving way that it seems unfortunate indeed.

I have seen regulators attack a company and fail to renew an application, start an investigation, find nothing and then not even question the attorney who made the complaint who indeed was on retainer with a competitor. This may sound like it is not a common occurrence, but in my research I am finding it is common in all types of industries and not just franchising or with franchise law and franchise regulatory bodies.

Lawyers are hardly ethical in my opinion, way too much abuse; I believe there should be prison time for such actions by lawyers who misrepresent another franchisor. So if they make a mistake in their complaint, they should pay with their license and jail time, as that is only fair.

How can we prevent such abuse of law from lawyers? Well we could call in Caesar is a thought. We also need more regulation on lawyers, as they seem to be the only industry in the world, which consistently gets away wish such self-serving atrocities. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Franchisors, Lawyers and State Regulators

Most people think that lawyers are crooks and some people think that franchising companies or franchisors are out to make a killing on poor unsuspecting franchisees. State regulators think that Franchisors are not good and lawyers are wonderful. But why? Well because they are lawyers of course. Yet in reality lets look at the situation here.

You see, Franchisors duties and responsibilites are to their team, their franchisees customers, extending brand. If the franchisor neglects such duties and responsibilities then they are short lived and they will go out of business. It is for this reason that the franchise system is inherently stable, viable and ethical. Whereas with lawyers and regulators are not and do not have the same inherent checks and balances.

When it comes to Franchisors, Lawyers and State Regulators it should be noted that Franchisors are entrepreneurial companies and therefore are the best of breed in economic commerce. Lawyers scrape the cream of wealth from the nation without any real worthy productivity. State Regulators put up roadblocks, barriers to entry and stifle free enterprise? So tell me, who are the good guys, who are the bad guys and why is calling Caesar to take care of these problems such a great idea? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Franchise Regulation Attorneys and State of Illinois Lawyers in Franchising Regulations

Many state franchise regulators like those in the State of Illinois and many Lawyers in specializing in Franchising Regulations do not care that they are destroying the franchise industry and drowning it in red tape. The Franchise Regulation Attorneys do not care, because they make money on the outrageous over regulations required on the Franchise Industry by states like The Great State of Illinois. The Lawyers in Franchising Regulations often charge up to $300.00 per hour.

Regulations hurt consumers they don't help anyone, it causes barriers to entry, causes higher prices and helps lawyers hijack the law like a bunch of International Terrorists and that is not "perspection based" as the franchise lawyers or Franchise Regulators would have you believe. That is the truth and these franchise regulators knowingly and willfully continue to hurt free markets and consumers.

The State of IL franchise registration office should be disgorged of their ill-gotten gains and all employees should lose their pensions and be terminated ASAP. It is the best for all concerned. There is obviously little if any leadership coming from the Governor of the State of Illinois who is probably a Lawyer himself. Something needs to change there. Why is the State of Illinois so aggressively attacking the Franchising Industry? Because they just don?t get it. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

State of Illinois Franchise Registration Lawyers Try to Justify Their Attacks on Free Markets

It is amazing the lack of knowledge of economics and free markets that state franchise regulation states have in America. Worse when you try to explain the reality of things to them, they pull the liberal debate line of reasoning that class action and personal injury trial lawyers are so keen too.

They say that they have seen Franchisors damage franchisees and franchise buyers and that it hurts all Franchisors when this happens so Franchisors should be happy with them? What on Gods Earth are they talking about?

In the United States to prepare simple Franchise Disclosure Documents it costs $40,000 and the audits required to renew each year cost at minimum that amount. It is farce to think that these costs to comply with regulations are not passed onto the very consumer the State Franchise Regulators swear they are protecting? They say that Franchisor?s do not often see these problems and do not understand?

Oh really now? So a Franchisor does not understand, while a Government Lawyer does? A lawyer who has never had to make payroll or deal with fraudulent franchise buyer applications. A lawyer who works for the government and holds up free-markets due to paperwork, while taking their sweetass time at the coffee marker? Yah right?

Who do these people think they are anyway? State of Illinois Franchise Registration Lawyers try to justify their attacks on Free Markets, but their arguments a so skewed from reality, they simply do not hold water. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.


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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lawyers and Accounting Fears Causing Bad Decisions and Change Management

Indeed we hear it all the time, corporate executives complaining about incessant lawsuits and Sarbanes Oxley regulations. Is seems all these Lawyers and Accounting Fears are causing Bad Decision Making on the part of corporate board members and we are seeing greater turn-over and Change Management. We see too much fear from lawsuits, stock market pressures and Federal Regulators breathing down the necks of America?s greatest corporations and this is hurting all of America in a very big way.

Of course this fear is also often rendering many executives useless and unable to make decisions some executives say they are tired of asking their corporate attorneys if it is okay to use the company restroom or calling up their accounts to see if it is fraudulent to order a ham sandwich on rye instead of wheat in the corporate cafeteria? Is it really this bad? Indeed it is and this is so unfortunate, nevertheless corporations must show results and if these executives cannot handle the challenge then they need to leave the company.

And leaving they are in record numbers and there have been more golden parachutes and early retirements in Americans top 500 companies in the last few years than in the previous 20. Why? Well it is all these Lawyers and Accounting Fears that are causing Bad Decisions, which have nothing to do with the company?s bottom line and therefore cause performance issues. Then it is time for heads to roll and thus more Change Management.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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