lawyers And Atorney


Friday, January 30, 2009

Lawyers Have Ethics?

Did you know that lawyers actually have a code of conduct? Seriously I am not making this up, in fact that joke about the lawyer falling in the ocean in shark infested water but not getting eaten by the sharks due to professional courtesy gets a laugh, but actually they are suppose to eat each other up. Looky here at this code of conduct model rule;

The ABA Model Rule provides:

Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct

(a) A lawyer who knows that another lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question as to that lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects, shall inform the appropriate professional authority.

If they actually followed their own rules then of course we would see many lawyers being drown in their sea of laws, but we do not. So I must ask the question; if lawyers do not follow their own rules is it any wonder that the follow the laws, rules and regulations of our civilization?

Oh you are probably wanting a punch line for this lawyer joke right? The punch line is that they have hijacked the rules and laws of our nation and refuse to follow any themselves. Now for the punch line; you freely accept this and let them do it! Jokes on you.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.


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Monday, January 26, 2009

Lawyers are Not Dogs

Look I am sick and tired of people saying that lawyers are dogs. Lawyers are not dogs, because dogs will bring back a bone if you throw it out there. If you throw money towards a lawyer they won't bring it back. I think it is just horrible that our society treats lawyers so bad and calls them dogs.

I'm sure most lawyers do not feel like they're dogs when they stroked themselves. I mean they are not furry and such and I'm sure they are not flexible enough to lick their underside. As a matter of fact there is really nothing similar to lawyers and dogs. Dogs are man's best friend and I do not know anyone who has a friend who is a lawyer and actually likes them, sure you might have a friend who's a lawyer and you pretend to like him, but you really don't and you secretly despise him inside. Don't you think they know that?

Lawyers are not dogs and therefore we should stop treating them like dogs and making fun of them and telling jokes at their expense. It really is not fair in this politically correct world to single out a group of people or a group of people in a specific professions such as law or lawyers as been dogs.

Now the other day I used my super duper pooper scooper to clean up the yard and as I began to pick it up I thought to myself this is much more similar to a lawyer then the dog who put it here.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Los Angeles criminal lawyers

Los Angeles is a big city with a lot of ways to get in trouble with the law. The elements that make up a criminal system in Los Angeles include the police officers who investigate crime, the Los Angeles District Attorney?s Office who prosecutes those charged with committing a crime and the defense lawyers who represent the accused criminals. Even though the elements of the justice system are the same all over the country, every state in the United States has different rules and procedures pertaining to arrest procedures and the way trials are conducted.

After a person has been arrested, it is the job of the district attorney?s office to file formal charges against that person. An Assistant District Attorney will usually be the one that will handle the case against the accused individual. Their job is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person accused is guilty of the crime. Their job is not an easy one due to the basic principle that the accused person is considered innocent until proven guilty.

The defense lawyers are the ones that represent those accused of a crime in their case. It is their duty to establish doubt among the judge and jury that the person is guilty. If you are accused of a crime you have two choices when it comes to finding representation. If you can afford it, hire a lawyer from a private law firm to represent you during this process. These lawyers can be very expensive, but they will fight for you aggressively. The other option is to have a court appointed lawyer represent you during your trail. Everyone has the right to be represented by a lawyer even if they cannot afford one.

Getting involved with the Los Angeles legal system is not the end of the world. However, you will need to be smart when dealing with people who want to take your freedom away. Do not answer any of their questions without having a lawyer present, and know your rights. That could mean the difference between going home or going to jail.

Criminal Lawyers provides detailed information on Criminal Lawyers, Criminal Defense Lawyers, Federal Criminal Lawyers, Los Angeles criminal lawyers and more. Criminal Lawyers is affliated with Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorneys.

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